Updates to Initial Misconceptions


Tuesday, May 7th, 2002...

Whee! New piccies in Popslash. I haven't seriously drawn in, like, months. Well, except for that costume design project a while back. Meh. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 18th, 2002...

Tis the season to be updating! After two days spent sick at home, I finally have something to put up! Well, nothing new. But! I redid all the fics, so that's something! Oh, and there is one "new" (read: a year old) fic, Gestalt The Meaning of Love. Please, somebody give me a new title.

I'm getting to the rest of it. I really need a new server.

Saturday, January 5th, 2002...

Okay, most of Dirty Pop is up, and should be all loaded by tomorrow. As for the rest of the site, once I figure out what th f*ck is wrong with my geocities bandwidth (methinks there may be link leeches), I'll scan and add the piccies I've been drawing in the past six months. Oh, and I wrote a fic *gasp*, but you'll have to go through Dirty Pop to find it. Enjoy.

Monday, December 31st, 2001...

It's my site's fourth anniversary this month. Yay, me. I'm also looking hot as fuck on New Year's Eve and I'm not going anywhere and I'm certainly not getting any (I know, WTMI) so I'm writing HTML instead.

Friday, June 29th, 2001...
Or, possibly, Saturday. I dunno. I'm too tired for technicalities. Aliteration and bad spelling are my friends.

More poetry, shockingly, as I haven't written anything in a while. Also, I have a Gestalt ficlet somewhere that I want to post. I just have to find it first. A few new piccies, too. I'm working on some fanart that might live to see posting, eventually. That's all, folks.

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2001...
Yeah, I really don't update enough, but at least I've come to recognize that. The entire page has been redone, not a thing left untouched. Please tell me if you come across any broken links or anything like that. I hope everyone likes the new design. The Guest Art, Toons and Pictures have been removed, and another, unfinished, section added.

I've been doing this for the last eight hours and it's now very early, or late. Maybe, if I get around to typing, I'll even add more.

Wednesday, April 4th, 2001...
Okay, I lose. I'm uploading a bunch of stuff to my art pages - changing addies, 'cause I ran out of space -  and I'm about to go check for broken links. Maybe the page will be remodled for Easter, even. Probably not.

Saturday, January 13th, 2001...
Yeah, it's been awhile. Happy New Year.
Today, we have a new fic by me, some art and South art by me, and the links page has been remodled.

I love getting mail, so mail me! C&C's are always welcome!

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